The local officials usually tend to build Point Project with heavily cost in the process of rural preferential agricultural policy implementation process. Taking the process of New Countryside Building of X city as example, the model had experienced the change from equitable model to Point Project model through the time from 2006 to 2013. It seems that, the local officials like the Point project model not only because the performance driven, but more fundamentally because the system logic of Chinese bureaucracy. When the policy implementation process became more centralized controlled by higher government, the lower local officials in X City had to confront more fierce competition in the New Countryside Construction Policy Process. The experience proved that the equitable model had little help for the local officials to get good performance, whereas the Point Project model had the magic power for the local officials to do that, because the Point Project model had the advantage to launch signals in the policy process. The policy implementation experience of X city calls us to reflect that, Point Project could to be a kind of social mobilization technology, but because the work of the Chinese centralized and competition system, the Point Project also easy to become Performance Engineering.
Journal of Gansu Administration Institute