2"Europe in the Mediterranean is to Turn its Former Power into Positive Influence", Arabic News, May 27, 2003, http ://www. arabicnews, com/ansub/Daily/Day/030527/2003052720, html, last accessed on 31 January 2011. 被引量:1
3"43 Nations Creating Mediterranean Union", Fort Mill Times, July 13, 2008, http://www, fort- milltimes, com/106/story/223550, html, last accessed on 31 January 2011. 被引量:1
4Robert Kagan, "Embraceable EU", Washington Post, December 5, 2004. 被引量:1
5See Roy Pryee, "The Treaty Negotiations", in Andrew Duff, John Pinder and Roy Pryee et al. ,Maastricht and Beyond, London: Routledge, 1994, p. 44. 被引量:1
6Peter Mair & Jan Zielonka eds. ,The Enlarged European Union,Diversi-ty and Adaptation, FRANK CASS Publishers, London, 2002, p. 116. 被引量:1
7See Stephan Klingebiel et al. , Donor Contributions to the Strengthening of the AfricanPeace and Security Architecture, DIE Studies Series, No. 38, Bonn: German Development Institute, 2009,. 被引量:1
8"Is the Mediterranean Union of Any Use?", The Daily Star, July 11, 2008, http://www, dailys-tar. com. lb/article, asp? edition_id = lO&categ._id = 5 &article_id = 93983, last accessed on 31 January 2011. 被引量:1
9European Commission, "The EU & The Middle East Peace Process: The Union's Position and Role". http ://euroDa./eu/int/comm/externalrelations/mepp/index. htm, last accessed on 21 March 2011. 被引量:1
10Andrew Willis, "Africa Shock to Cause 'Sea Change' in EU Foreign Policy". 被引量:1