本文简要评述了认知框架下的3个二语习得模式,并以Van Patten的二语习得过程模式为理论框架,分析从输入到输出过程中影响二语口语产出的主要认知因素,探讨注意、输入加工方式、工作记忆、自动性等认知因素是如何在二语习得过程的不同阶段交互作用,从而影响口语产出结果的。基于这些认知因素对口语产出的影响,文章还讨论了该影响对口语教学的启示。
After briefing the three models of SLA under the cognitive framework,this paper analyzes the major cognitive factors in SLA processes from input to output that influence L2 oral production within the framework of Van Patten's process-focused model. It discusses such cognitive factors as notice,input processing approach,working memory and automaticity to explore not only their influences on different stages of SLA and oral production but also their implications on oral language teaching.
Foreign Studies