When a line of substation need to cut power for maintenance. The corresponding circuit breaker has been stocked need to release energy in order to achieve locking function to prevent the breaker malfunction and avoid accidents. The theoretical basis of this paper is the principle of release the pressure of hydraulic spring operating mechanism. Combined with practical application, it describes a remote control system for the relese energy of spring breakers hydraulic mechanism. The system is used putting electric to press Hydraulic valves which is installed in the hydraulic spring mechanism. When the electric putter movement to the energy release position, hydraulic spring mechanism start to relief then the energy of storage spring is released. Hydraulic mechanism only after electric putter back to original, charging motor can start work and store energy. you can control the hydraulic spring mechanism automatic release energy after circuit breaker opening, effectively prevent the circuit breaker closing mistakenly accident. The system is suitable for Unattended substation.
Electrical Engineering