
不同产地艾叶中异泽兰黄素和棕矢车菊素含量的比较 被引量:10

Determination and comparative of eupatilin and jaceosidin in Artemisia herbs samples from different areas
摘要 目的考察产地生态因子对艾叶中异泽兰黄素和棕矢车菊素两种成分的影响,为提升艾叶质量标准提供科学依据。方法采用高效液相色谱法对9批不同产地艾叶样品中异泽兰黄素和棕矢车菊素两种活性成分的含量进行测定,色谱柱为Kromasil 100-5C18(4.6mm×150mm,5μm),以磷酸二氢钠缓冲溶液-乙腈(70:30,V/V)为流动相进行等度洗脱,流速1.0mL/min;柱温30℃;检测波长345nm。采用GIS技术,结合对多种空间数据的使用,对全部样品采集地四项生态因子数据进行提取。结果9批艾叶样品异泽兰黄素和棕矢车菊素分别在0.02~0.5mg/mL和0.04~0.1g/mL内与峰面积有良好的线性关系。各样品中两种活性成分含量与样品产地生态因子均存在差异。异泽兰黄素和棕矢车菊素的含量分别为0.110%-0.276%和0.059%-0.072%。异泽兰黄素的含量在9批样品中变化较为明显,而棕矢车菊素含量在9批样品中变化较小。两种成分含量最高样品均为湖北蕲春样品。,结论艾叶中异泽兰黄素和棕矢车菊素两种成分的含量受独特生态因子的影响,表王见为道地药材产区含量明显高于非道地产区,而异泽兰黄素的含量又与药材的品质密切相关,可用于评价和控制艾叶药材的质量。 Objective To investigate the effect of ecological factors on the accumulation of these two components, and to provide the scientific basis for improving the quality standard of the A rtemisia leaves. Methods The content of eu- patilin and jaceosidinin 9 batches of leaves from different producing areas were determined by high performance liquid chromatography, the chromatographic column was Kromasil 100-5 C18 (4.6 mmμ150 nm,5μm). Mobile phase was acetnni- trile-sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer (70:30, V/V) with an isocratic elution. The data of four ecological factor's, includ- ing altitude, annual average temperature, annual average precipitation and soil organic carbon content, were extracted by ARCGIS software combined with the use of various spatial data. Results The 9 batches of Artemsiaargyi sample sofeupatilin and jaceosidin two components respectively in 0.02-0.5 mg/mL and 0.04-0.1 g/mL and peak area showed a good linear relationship. The content of active components in each sample was different fiom that of the sample produc- ing area. The contents of eupatilin and jaceosidin were between 0.110%-0.276% and 0.059%-0.072%, respectively. The content change of eupatilin was obvious, while jaceosidin had a small change. The highest content of tile two com- ponents were Hubei Qichun samples. Conclusion The contents of the two components of eupatilin and jaceosidin areaffected by the unique ecological factors, manifested as real estate areas is significantly higher than that of non real estate areas, and the content of eupatilinis closely related to the quality of herbs, can be used for the qual- ity evaluation and control of A rtemisia herbs.
作者 王哲 李晓华 李波 李宜平 何秋文 张强 WANG Zhe LI Xiaohua LI Bo LI Yiping HE Qiuwen ZHANG Qiang(Sehool of Pharmaeeutieal Seienees, Changehun University of Chinese Medieine, Jilin Provinee, Changehun 130117, China Traditional Chinese Medieine Resourees Engineering Researeh Center of Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, Changehun 130117, China The Physieal Culture and Sports Sehool, Jilin Province, Changehun 130022, China)
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2016年第34期30-33,共4页 China Medical Herald
基金 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302) 中医药行业科研专项子课题(201207002-05)
关键词 高效液相色谱法 艾叶 异泽兰黄素 棕矢车菊素 生态因子 HPLC Artemisia herbs Jaceosidin Eu-patilin Ecological factors
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