以大豆[Glycine max(Linn.)Merr.]品种安豆7号为研究对象,利用主成分分析法对在"3414"试验设计下的14个处理水平的9个农艺性状进行分析。结果表明,提取的4个主成分能够解释所有原始性状变异的89.899%,第一主成分贡献率为48.061%,主要代表的是产量因子;第二主成分贡献率为17.083%,主要代表的是底荚高度因子;第三主成分贡献率为13.453%,主要代表的是单株产量及株型因子;第四主成分贡献率为11.302%,主要代表的是大豆高度因子。综合得分前三位的处理是N2P1K1(尿素130.50 kg/hm^2,过磷酸钙150 kg/hm^2,氯化钾25.05 kg/hm^2)、N1P2K1(尿素65.25 kg/hm^2,过磷酸钙300kg/hm^2,氯化钾25.05 kg/hm^2)和N1P1K2(尿素65.25 kg/hm^2,过磷酸钙150 kg/hm^2,氯化钾49.95 kg/hm^2)。
The principal components analysis was used to research nine agronomic traits of Andou No.7 under adopting the design of "3414" with 14 processing. The results showed that the extracted four principal components could explain 89.899%of all the original characters,the first principal component contribution rate was 48.061%,mainly represented the production factor; the second principal component contribution rate was 17.083%,mainly represented the bottom pod height factor;the third principal component contribution rate was 13.453%,mainly represented the yield and plant type factor;the forth principal component contribution rate was 11.302%,mainly represents the soybean height factor. The treatments in the top third was N2P1K1(urea was 130.50 kg / hm^2,superphosphate was 150 kg / hm^2 and muriate of potash was 25.05 kg / hm^2),N1P2K1(urea was65.25 kg / hm^2,superphosphate was 300 kg / hm^2 and muriate of potash was 25.05 kg / hm^2) and N1P1K2(urea was 65.25 kg / hm^2,superphosphate was 150 kg / hm^2 and muriate of potash was 49.95 kg / hm^2).
Hubei Agricultural Sciences