
教育实习:学徒制抑或实验制?——杜威的观点 被引量:11

Internship:Apprenticeship or Laboratory?—John Dewey's View
摘要 杜威认为,所有的教育实习无外乎学徒制和实验制两类。学徒制是教师教育技工化时代的产物,旨在培养教书匠。帮助实习生积累即时可用的教学技巧。实验制,是教学专业化时代的产物,旨在培养适应性教师。它利用教育实习作为实验室,促进真正的教育理论的学习和掌握。从实际效果来看,学徒制导致师范生习惯的形成建立在经验而非科学根基之上;教师的表里不一和双面性;实习生缺乏持续发展的能力;教师的智力奴性,缺乏智力独立性;教育管理人员缺乏智力活力。实验制的有效实施,要求循序地推进五个阶段,同时在理论课程、实习指导方式、师范大学与中小学校合作以及发挥师范大学的引领作用等方面开发有效策略。 Dewey, J. pointed out the aims of all of internship fall into apprenticeship or laboratory. Apprenticeship is the internship that formed in teaching technique times. It is to form teaching craft through accumulation of skills. Laboratory is formed in professional teaching times. It aims to form professional teachers through using internship as the educational laboratory, to help interns to understand and obtain true and vital educational theory. In practice, apprenticeship has some bad results, such as making habits of interns an empirical rather than a scientific sanction, teacher's dualism and duplicity, interns without con- tinuing growth, teacher without independent intelligence and officers without intellectual vi- tality. Five steps are needed to construct effective laboratory internship on some aspects ineluding: theory curriculum learning, guiding methods, cooperation between colleges and schools and how to function of educational leadership in teacher's colleges.
作者 卢俊勇 陶青
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期13-24,共12页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 2013年度国家社科基金项目"西部农村留守儿童日常文化生活的现状与对策研究"(课题批准号:13CSH064)
关键词 教育实习 目的 学徒制 实验制 杜威 internship aim apprenticeship laboratory Dewey, J.
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