
罗马民事诉讼法对滥诉和滥用程序的预防和制裁 兼论拉丁法族主要国家(地区) 的这些方面 被引量:11

The Prevent and Punishment to Abuse of Action and to Abuse of Procedure in Roman Civil Procedural Law Also on These Aspects in Main Countries(Regions) of Latin Juridical Family
摘要 滥诉和滥用程序是古老的法律现象,《十二表法》、盖尤斯《法学阶梯》和优士丁尼《法学阶梯》分别反映了当时立法者对此等恶行的预防和打击之道,它们对后世的拉丁法族国家的相应立法有很大影响。但这些国家的立法又有所创新,例如采用正面规定处理滥诉和滥用程序问题、把滥诉和滥用程序行为侵权行为化甚至犯罪化,等等。我国《民事诉讼法》新近采用的反滥诉规定主要关注诉讼标的保全问题,与罗马法传统国家的相应规定基本上不搭界。为了建立与国际接轨的反滥诉和滥用程序制度,中国的法律人必须考虑和应对罗马法传统国家的立法带给我们的至少十二个问题。 Abuse of action and abuse of process are ancient legal phenomenon, Twelve Table Law, Gaius Institutions and Justinian's Institutions, respectively, reflect the methods adopted by legislators in different times for preventing and striking such evil, and they have great impact on the relevant legisla- tion of countries of Latin juridical family of today's time. However, these countries' legislation has made some innovation, such as using positive provisions to deal with the issue of abuse of action and abuse of process, defining the abuse of action and abuse of process as a kind of tort, and even criminalizing them, and so on. The provisions of anti--abuse of action recently adopted by the Civil Procedure Law of China focus on the issue of preserving the subject matter of litigation, and these provisions basically do not have a corresponding relationship with the relative provisions of the countries with Roman law tradition. In or- der to establishing an institution of anti--abuse of action and abuse of process with international stand- ards, the Chinese lawyers must consider and respond at least 12 questions that are brought to us by the countries with Roman law tradition.
作者 徐国栋
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期865-888,共24页 Peking University Law Journal
关键词 滥诉 滥用程序 十二表法 法学阶梯 拉丁法族国家 Abuse of Action Abuse of Procedure Twelve Table Law Institutes Countries of LatinJuridical Family
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  • 1徐国栋:“遭遇中央政法委督办”,何家弘主编:《法学家茶座》(第38辑),山东人民出版社2013年版,页78以下. 被引量:1
  • 2徐国栋,阿尔多.贝特鲁奇,纪蔚民.《十二表法》新译本[J].河北法学,2005,23(11):2-5. 被引量:74
  • 3(古罗马)盖尤斯著,黄风译..法学阶梯[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,1996:375.
  • 4齐云、徐国栋:“罗马的法律和元老院决议大全”,徐国栋主编:《罗马法与现代民法》第八卷,厦门大学出版社2014年版,页184及以次. 被引量:2
  • 5Vfiase Alfonso Agudo Ruiz, "Las Sanciones al Litigante Temerario en las Instituciones de Gayo", En Rivista Juridica de Navarra , No.20,1995, pag. 158. 被引量:1
  • 6谢大任主编..拉丁语汉语词典[M].北京:商务印书馆,1988:601.
  • 7Sexti pompei Festi, De Verborum Significatu Qu.E Super- sunt cum Pauli Epitome, Pars I, Budapestini, 1889, p. 574. 被引量:1
  • 8See M.H.Crawford, Roman Statutes, Vol. I I , Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 1996, p.719. 被引量:1
  • 9Cfr.supra note 8, Sexti Pompei Festi, p.516. 被引量:1
  • 10See Craw{ord, supra note 8,1996,p.719. 被引量:1












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