提出利用显卡图形处理单元(graphics processing units,GPU)的并行信息处理能力解决仪器软件在执行海量数据处理、建模、渲染以及交互所面临的开销过大的难题,基于DirectX 11的计算着色器(compute shader,CS)实现海量测量数据的处理和建模以及高速推送渲染,建立在GPU内实现海量数据模型上点的拾取模块,以提高仪器可视化测量中的交互执行;实验比对证实了基于GPU的可视化测量仪器软件的高执行效率;研究为挖掘可视化测量仪器硬件能力、合理配置仪器CPU与GPU开销、在整体上提高仪器运行效率提供了一条有价值的技术路径。
A strategy of designing the visual measurement instrument software, making use of the graphics card' s parallel processing a bilities to decrease the overhead of processing massive data, modeling and rendering 3D graph as well as implementing interaction, is proposed in this paper. Based on Direct3D11' s Compute Shader, the instrument software is designed to rapidly achieve preprocessing mass measure- ment data, modeling 3D graph, pushing render implementing in GPU. And a software model is built to pick up a point on 3D model with mass vertexes implementing in GPU also, with which the interactive speed is increased sharply. The high implementing efficiency of the visu al measurement instrument software is verified through experiments. The designing strategy provides a valuable technical path for making the best of hardware capabilities of the measurement instruments' hardware, reasonably balancing the overhead of CPU and GPU, and then im proving the overall implementation efficiency of the instrument.
Computer Measurement &Control