处于变革时代的组织和员工正经历雇佣关系、心理契约和职业生涯管理观念等一系列变化的挑战,构建新型雇佣关系应对挑战早已成为企业和员工的共同愿望和责任。本文基于组织支持理论、心理契约理论和个人—组织契合理论,从价值观层面、能力层面和需求层面构建了包括组织和员工相互承诺、相互投入、共同担责的新型雇佣关系结构模型。通过对50家企业管理者和员工的调查,获得216对有效问卷,并运用SPSS19.0和LISR EL8.7对样本数据进行了统计分析,证实了相互承诺、相互投入、共同担责对组织绩效和职业成功均具有正向影响,并进一步论证了新型雇佣关系能够显著预测组织绩效和职业成功。本研究站在组织和员工双重视角构建的新型雇佣关系结构模型,不仅丰富了雇佣关系理论,使个人—组织契合理论的价值得以拓展,而且为组织和员工如何共同应对雇佣关系变化提供了观念、策略和行为导引,为在新型职业生涯下如何实现提高组织绩效、达成职业成功的双赢目标提供了行动指南。
In the era of revolution, organizations and employees are experiencing a series of challenges regarding employment relationship, psychological contract and career management concept among others. As a consequence, to construct a new form of employment relationship has turned into mutual aspirations and shared responsibilities between enterprises and employees in order to face these challenges. Based on organizational support theory, psychological contract theory and person-organization fit theory; this article established a new structural model ~f employment relationship featuring mutual commitments, mutual investments and joint obligations between organizations and employees. In terms of conducting empirical research with corporate managers and employees from 50 enterprises along with 216 effective questionnaire surveys, this paper validated that mutual commitments, mutual investments and joint obligations all have positive impacts on organizational performance and career success by applying SPSS19.0 and LISREL8.7 for statistical analysis with the sample data. Furthermore, this paper also demonstrated that the new form of employment relationship possesses the capability to predict organizational performance and career success significantly. In the perspective of both organization and employee, the new structural model of employment relationship was developed based on mutual investment employment relationship which expands employers' inducement and employees' contribution type, and matches the employers' inducement with employees' contribution accordingly. In addition, the new structural model of employment relationship not only enriches the relationship theory and extends the value of person-organization fit theory, but also offers ideas, strategies and behavioral guidance to help organizations and employees figure out how to cope with the transformation of employee relationship, and provides guidelines of how to achieve the win-win goal of raising organizational performance and reaching the acme of care
Nankai Business Review
国家社会科学基金项目(12 BGL 0 67)资助
Employment Relationship Structure
Person-Organization Fit
Organizational Performance
Career Success