
项目服务的专业逻辑:社会工作专业化的本土路径 被引量:7

The Basic Logics of Social Service Program: The local way to Professionalization of So Social Work
摘要 在政府的大力推进下,我国社会工作进入专业化和职业化发展的关键时期,服务专业化的不足已成为限制本土社会工作发展的基本难题之一。本文通过对现行三大专业方法并用的专业化推行方式进行逻辑分析,以及对与本土专业化发展的内在矛盾的揭示得出:中国本土社会工作的专业化发展需要遵循项目服务专业化推进的逻辑,即以服务对象的自然生活场景为出发点,注重专业人士之间以及专业人士与非正式支持网络之间的团队工作方式,关注服务对象的能力和资源的挖掘,倡导一种预防为主的综合服务。值得注意的是,中国本土社会工作处在专业化发展的初期,与高度专业化发展的西方社会工作不同,需要学会处理与服务对象、服务合作者、服务出资者以及服务管理者的关系,保持项目服务具有针对性、转接性、整体性和累加性。只有这样,中国本土社会工作才能从"非专业"的处境中走出来,迈向专业的发展道路。 With the great push by the Chinese authority, social work is in a period with rapid growth of professionalization and specialization, but it is also facing a big challenge for the development of professionalization. Through the analysis of the current methods intended to promoting professionalization with the use of traditional three modalities such as casework,groupwork, and community work, this article finds that it is the social service program that the local social workers can use to promote professionalization, which stresses intervening in the clients' natural daily lives as the context, and focuses on the building of the clients' strengths and resources to form a preventive, proactive approach with the teamwork of the informal and formal support networks. This social service program must serve the needs of specifics, transaction, wholeness, and accumulation from the local social work professionalization。
作者 童敏
出处 《社会工作》 2016年第3期25-32,124-125,共8页 Journal of Social Work
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