
文武关系与民主转型——印度尼西亚个案研究(1998—2014) 被引量:2

The Civil-Military Relations and Democratic Transition—A Case Study of Indonesia(1998- 2014)
摘要 在20世纪末的金融危机中,印尼结束了苏哈托统治的"新秩序"时代,开启了"后苏哈托"时代的民主转型。1998至2014年,先后上台的哈比比、瓦希德、梅加瓦蒂和苏西洛相继对印尼进行了民主化改革。"后苏哈托"时代的印尼民主转型面临的重大问题之一就是如何进行文武关系改革,让这一支"政治的军队"变成"制度的军队"。本文以文武关系的变革为切入点,探寻"后苏哈托"时代的印尼民主转型历程,认为文武关系的变革不仅影响民主转型,民主转型也将影响对军队的民主控制。在实现对军队的文官控制的过程中,还必须加强文官控制的民主化程度。如果文官政府能够提供有效的民主治理,民主的规则和程序能够被广泛接受,暴力活动和政治斗争的程度较低。 In the multiple effects of the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s, Suharto ended his "New Order" era, thus opening up the process of democratization in post-Suharto era. During 1998 -2004, Habibie, Wahid, Megawati and Susilo have tried to make democratic reform in Indonesia successively. The significant barrier of the democratic transition in the post-Suharto era is how to carry out the civil-military reform, making the political army depoliticized and back into the barracks, and then transform into the institutional army. The paper will take the civ- il-military reform as a starting point to explore the process of Indonesian democratization. The conclusion is that the civil-military reform affects democratization, simultaneously democratization has an effect on the democratic control of military. During the process of strengthening civilian control, we have to concern about the degree of democrati- zation of civilian control. If the civilian government can provide effective democratic governance, achieve a lower degree of violence and political struggle, and make democratic rules and procedures to be widely accepted, it's dif- ficult for the army to return to the political arena and to exert effective political influence.
作者 陈波
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2016年第4期24-33,共10页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 文武关系 民主转型 印尼 民主控制 Civil-Military Relations Democratic Transition Indonesia Democratic Control
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