根据自然对流气体具有摆的特性 ,从而提出气体摆新概念。分析了密闭腔中自然对流气体的浮升力 ,给出浮升力与温度变化的关系式。试验结果表明 ,与固体摆、液体摆一样 ,利用气体摆原理亦能检测加速度和倾角。
It is discovered that the natural convection gas has the pendulum characteristic, so the new concept of gas pendulum is presented. In this paper, the buoyancy lift of natural convection gas is analyzed in a hermetic chamber, and given the formula between the buoyancy lift and the change of temperature. The results of experiment have shown that gas pendulum can be utilized to measure the acceleration and tilt angle as same as solid pendulum and liquid pendulum. [
Strategic Study of CAE
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (60 0 72 0 2 3 )