为了揭示土地利用变化主导的生境变化中植物垂直密度变化对地表蚂蚁群落的影响,采用陷阱法调查了云南省绿春县天然次生林、桉树林、紫胶林、紫胶-玉米混农林、橡胶林、玉米旱地和农田7种生境的地表蚂蚁群落,并使用利维杆(Levy pole)方法调查了不同生境的植物垂直密度.共采集地表蚂蚁16 704头,隶属于8亚科44属106种.结果显示:1不同生境中植物垂直密度变化明显,7种生境在0~125 cm 5个区段和大于300cm区段的植物垂直密度差异显著;0~100 cm区段桉树林植物垂直密度最高;100~200 cm区段植物垂直密度在天然次生林等5种生境中变化明显;大于300 cm区段橡胶林植物垂直密度最高.2不同生境地表蚂蚁物种丰富度(!2=140.867,P〈0.01)和相对多度(!2=133.359,P〈0.01)差异显著,其中,紫胶-玉米混农林地表蚂蚁物种丰富度和相对多度均最高,天然次生林和桉树林居中,农田最低.不同生境地表蚂蚁群落结构有差异(ANOSIM Global R=0.616,P〈0.01),植物垂直密度相似生境的蚂蚁群落结构较为相似.3地表蚂蚁物种丰富度与25~50cm区段植物垂直密度正相关(Pearson=0.156,P=0.024);地表蚂蚁相对多度与大于300 cm区段显著负相关(Pearson=-0.149,P=0.031).大于300 cm区段只对天然次生林地表蚂蚁物种丰富度有显著影响(Y=e6.85+1.344X,P=0.04);150~175 cm区段(Y=e18.61+2.36X,P〈0.01)及大于300 cm区段植物垂直密度(Y=e18.61+0.680X,P=0.01)只对桉树林地表蚂蚁相对多度有显著影响.25~150 cm区段植物垂直密度与桉树林、紫胶林和紫胶-玉米混农林的地表蚂蚁群落结构影响较大;超过300 cm区段对橡胶林地表蚂蚁群落结构影响较大.具有复杂下层植物组成的生境能够为蚂蚁提供保护、增加不同的生存空间和食物资源,有利于蚂蚁多样性的保护.
In order to reveal the effects of foliage density on ground-dwelling ant communities in different habitats caused by changing land usage, investigations were Conducted on ground-dwelling ant communities in Ltichun County among secondary natural forest, eucalyptus plantation, lac insect plantation, lac-corn agroforestry, rubber plantation,dry land and farmland. Levy Pole method was applied to analyze foliage density in different sites. 16 704 ant individuals were collected ,representing 106 species 44 genera from 8 subfamilies of Formicidae. The results were as follow: Foliage density of five zones from 0 to 125 cm and the zone above 300 cm showed significant difference among 7 different habitats.Eucalyptus plantation had the highest foliage density in the zone from 0 to 100 cm.The foliage density of the zone from 100 cm to 200 cm changed significantly among five habitats. The zone above 300 cm of rubber plantation had the highest foliage density. (2) The species richness ( x^2 = 140.867 ,P〈0.01 ) and relative abundance ( x^2 = 133.359 ,P〈0.01 ) of ants from different habitats showed significant difference.The species richness and relative abundance was highest in Lac-coru agroforestry, followed as secondary natural forest and eucalyptus plantation, farmland had the lowest ant species richness and relative a- bundance.The ant community structures had significant difference among different habitats (ANOSIM Global R = 0.616,P〈0.01 ). The habitats with a similar foliage density had similar ant community structures.(3) Grounddwelling ant species richness was positively related with the zone from 25 cm to 50 cm (Pearson = 0. 156, P = 0.024) .Relative abundance of ants had positive relation with the zone above 300 cm (Pearson =-0.149,P= 0.031 ).Foliage density of the zone above 300 cm had significant effect on the ant species richness in eucalyptus plantation (Y=e^6.85+1.344X ,P = 0.04).Foliage density of the zone above 300 cm had effects on ant species richness in secondary nat
Journal of Yunnan University(Natural Sciences Edition)
habitats change
foliage density
ground-dwelling ant communities
Levy pole technique