When practically applying to the construction of'Smart Nanning City'project,multiple training samples are easy to leading the face reconstruction to falling into local maximum and to severe time consuming in covariance matrix decomposition. In order to solve these problems,this paper presents a face occluded area elimination algorithm which is based on Gabor and PCA analysis reconstruction. In the phase of training sample set selection,by constructing a 5-dimensional and 8-directional Gabor histogram information classifier we select the images from face database which have closer rough information such as the figure outlines between the Gabor histogram information and original face to be reconstructed for forming the training sample set. Meanwhile,when making PCA analysis,we use SVD( singular value decomposition) to reduce the dimensionality of covariance matrix,so as to reach the goal of decreasing time cost. Experiment proves that along with the increase of training sample sets,the algorithm has high adaptability to various faces,moreover,the derived face image with the occluded area eliminated is clear,does not have the phenomenon of local maximum,highly matches the original image,and possesses the capability of putting into practical use.
Computer Applications and Software