
高等教育领域的大数据应用研究述评 被引量:3

Literature Review on Big Data Application Research in the Field of Higher Education
摘要 大数据作为一种手段、工具、技术甚至是一种思维正潜移默化的影响着高等教育的发展。它能提高教育研究及其工作者的效率,保障学习者的利益,促进高等教育发展及改革。具体来说,它发挥着变革教学方式、丰富教育研究方法、了解和预测学生的学习行为等重要作用。但它与高等教育深入融合还需要一些尝试和整合,目前存在技术人员匮乏、数据思维与教育思维之间转换困难以及大数据获取与使用存在的制度缺失性障碍。 Big data, as a tool, thinking method, even a kind of industry is impacting subtly on the development of higher education. It also can improve the efficiency of education researcher and educators and safeguard the interest of learners. Specifically, big data is playing the role in changing the way of teaching, enriching education research methods, knowing and prospecting students' learning activities. It still takes time and effort to integrate into higher education, for there are still some difficulties, access and use, and the uneasy such as lack of technicians transformation between data , the institutional barriers in data thinking and teaching thinking.
作者 王时雨
出处 《煤炭高等教育》 2016年第2期51-54,共4页 Meitan Higher Education
关键词 大数据 高等教育 数据共享 big data higher education data sharing
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