
胃癌放射治疗与分子分型研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress of radiotherapy and molecular classifications of gastric cancer
摘要 辅助放疗能够提高胃癌患者术后的局控率,但如何选择能够从中获益的患者是关键.随着对胃癌分子分型的研究不断深入,出现了较多相对完善的分型系统,如TCGA分型、ACRG分型.尽管目前仍没有公认的分子分型,但相关研究已表明其与胃癌的临床病理特征、疾病的预后和治疗的反应密切相关.如何利用这些个体化生物信息精确地指导放疗患者的筛选,是放射治疗学者的一大挑战.同时,放射敏感性的预测、放疗与靶向治疗的结合以及ctDNA在放疗领域的应用,也是实现精准放疗的研究方向. Adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) can improve the rate of loco-regional control for patients with gastric cancer (GC),while the selection of patients plays a key role.As the research moves along,several relatively comprehensive molecular classifications emerged such as the TCGA classification and the ACRG classification.Studies have demonstrated that molecular classifications are closely related to the clinicopathologic characteristics,prognosis and treatment response.However,there is not recognized molecular classification of GC presently.It is a great challenge for radiation oncologists to make use of the individual bioinformation and accurately select patients who would benefit from RT.Meanwhile,precision RT could also be achieved with the prediction of radiosensitivity,combination of RT with targeted therapy and the application of ctDNA within the field of RT.
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2016年第5期659-663,共5页 Journal of Chinese Physician
关键词 胃肿瘤/放射疗法/病理学 DNA 肿瘤 综述 Stomach neoplasms/RT/PA DNA, neoplasm Review
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