结合Open GL和Active X技术,研究了三维装箱的可视化问题,在Visual Studio环境下,进行面向装箱布局的三维显示控件开发。通过接口方法获得货物配载信息,实现货物配载结果的可视化;为了观察集装箱内货物布局,根据用户观察方向与箱壁平面法线方向,判别集装箱箱壁平面是否绘制。以线框形式显示货物,便于查看整体重心和集装箱几何中心的位置,从而判断配载方案的稳定性。控件测试表明,该控件可以根据配载货物的特征信息和位置信息,实现货物配载整体效果显示、货物摆放方式和堆码层数显示、重心显示和货物高亮显示等功能,直观地展示装箱配载结果,便于用户调用、观察、验证和修改装箱布局方案。
3D visualization of the container loading layout is researched by using ActiveX and OpenGL in this pa- per. A visualization control is developed based on cargoes'shape and location under Visual Studio environment. The stow- age data is obtained using the interface function to render the cargoes in the container. In order to observe the cargoes con- veniently, surfaces of the container near observer are not rendered according to the relationship between the eye - gaze di- rection and the normal of surface. The gravity of cargoes is displayed and then we can predict the stability of entire contain- er. The test results show that the control facilitates users to display the cargoes'layout involving placement mode, stack number, gravity center, as well as validate and modify the stowage scheme.
Port Operation