【目的】完善图书馆微信平台功能,使读者快速获取数据,增加图书馆移动服务读者粘度。【应用背景】大部分图书馆推出的微信服务缺乏实时性、自动化水平低且多局限于人工干预服务。【方法】利用Apache Tomcat+JSP+My SQL架构,基于微信API,集成馆内业务系统数据接口,建设图书馆微信平台。【结果】实现读者身份认证及合法性判定功能,i Pad等移动设备使用权预约功能,Millennium数据交互功能和自助FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)功能等。【结论】微信平台功能可在实践中不断丰富,本文的功能实现对其他图书馆建设微信平台有借鉴意义。
[Objective] This study aims to improve library services with the help of We Chat platform which helps readers retrieve data quickly and increase users' loyalty to mobile library services. [Context] Most libraries' We Chat platforms did not provide automatic or real-time services, which was also limited to human involved interventions. [Methods] The We Chat service platform was built with Apache Tomcat + JSP + My SQL architecture, We Chat API and library business systems API. [Results] The new system's features include reader authentication, reservation of mobile devices, millennium data exchange and self-service FAQ. [Conclusions] The new We Chat library service platform could be further improved, which could provide some practical suggestion to other libraries.
New Technology of Library and Information Service