[ Purpose/Significance ] In this work, the external characteristics of massive WeChat's articles and text content of WeChat's ar- ticles with high Communication Index are summarized. From the perspective of WeChat content, this paper provides references for domes- tic libraries. [ Method/Process] The WeChat's 12446 articles of 58 libraries were collected via the crawler program based on Python lan- guage as the sample data. By running computing scripts for the sample data, WeChat's Articles Communication Index (WACI) and high frequency word co-occurrence network were obtained. Combined with WeChat Communication Index (WCI), the paper summarized the current situation of WeChat official account and analyzed the contents, problems of WeChat's articles. [ Result/Conclusion ] The result shows that libraries should proactively identify the problems of WeChat's articles and try to make them valuable, emotional, and interesting by establishing the assessment indicator, paying attention to the readers' needs and creating public concerns.
Journal of Intelligence