
湖湘针推学派“针调五经”论治月经病 被引量:5

Treating Menstrual Disease Based on “Acupuncture Regulating Five Channels” of the Huxiang Zhentui School
摘要 月经病是女子最常见的疾病,多因脏腑功能失常、气血失调以致阴阳失衡、冲任督带受损所致。针五经、调五脏、和五行是湖湘针推学派的主要学术思想之一,主要强调以五脏、五经为中心,在经络辨证和脏腑辨证的基础上,结合经络-脏腑相关及五行生克制化原理,采用特定的手段(如针刺、艾灸、推拿等)针对性地刺激相应经络和穴位,调节脏腑阴阳平衡和治疗相应脏腑疾病。指出治疗月经病重在治本调经。治本大法主要有补肾、扶脾、疏肝、调理冲任。补肾在于益真阴、养精血、助阳气,使阳生阴长,精血俱旺,则月经自调;扶脾在于益气血之源,脾胃健运,气血充盛,则源盛而流自畅;疏肝在于调畅气机,使肝气得疏,肝血得养,气血调畅,血海蓄溢有常,则经病可愈;调理冲任在于使任通冲盛,自无经病之患。主要治法是:调理冲任,取任脉之关元、足三阴经之交会穴三阴交及脾经之血海;补肾,取肾经之原穴太溪补肾调经等;扶脾,取三阴交、血海健脾益气、养血调经,取足三里以补益气血;疏肝,取太冲、期门、行间疏肝理气调经。 Menstrual disease is the most common disease of women,usually due to disorder of viscera tion and disorder of Qi,which could lead to imbalance of Yin and Yang,and damage of thoroughfare func- ,conception,governor,and belt vessels. Needling the five channels,regulating five Zang-organs,and harmonizing five elements is of the major academic thought of Huxiang Zhentui school,which emphasizes that the five Zang-organs and the five channels are the center. On the basis of differentiation of meridian and viscera,the correlation between meridians and viscera and restraint of the five elements theory,some manipulations(such as acupuncture,moxibustion,massage,etc.) are applied to stimulate the corresponding meridian and acupoints to regulate Yin Yang balance of the viscera and to treat corresponding viscera diseases. In the treatment of menstrual disease,treating the root and regulating the channels should be emphasized. Treating the root ineludes tonifying kidney,supplementing spleen,soothing liver and regulating thoroughfare and conception vessels. Tonifying kidney is to enrich the genuine Yin,tonifying essence and blood,and supplementing Yang Qi, to ensure the growth of Yin and Yang,abundant essence and blood,and hence the menstruation become normal ;supplementing spleen is to supplement the source of qi and blood,to ensure the function of spleen and stomach and abundant qi and blood,and hence the source is profuse and the flow is smooth;soothing liver is to regulate Qi activity to ensure the smooth circulation of Qi and blood,sufficient nourishment for the liver blood and harmonized Qi and blood,and hence the store and discharge of the blood sea is normal and the disease is cured ;regulating thoroughfare and conception vessels is to ensure the unblockage of conception vessel and prosperous thoroughfare vessel,and hence the menstruation is not affected. The main methods are as follows:the points for regulating thoroughfare SP 6,the crossing point of three foot yin chann and conception vessels are the RN 4 on the
出处 《山东中医杂志》 2016年第5期431-433,共3页 Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局湖湘五经配伍针推学术流派传承工作室
关键词 湖湘针推学派 五经配伍 月经病 Huxiang Zhentui school compatibility of five channels menstrual disease
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