
台湾民主化时期李登辉的改革策略及其问题 被引量:1

Lee Teng-hui's Reform Strategies and Their Defects in the Democratization of Taiwan
摘要 李登辉在台湾民主化初期弱势接班,利用制度规则进行人事调整,进而达到集权的目的。面对党内"非主流"派的挑战,李登辉精于策略安排,巧妙利用党内派系斗争、党外反对势力和社会力量,借力打力,顺水推舟,较快完成台湾民主改革。正是由于李登辉挑动并利用省籍隔阂的策略安排,在其任内族群矛盾空前扩大,分离主义思潮高涨,造成社会的分裂和动荡,给两岸关系埋下诸多不安定因素。出于对权力的贪恋,他与地方派系勾结,纵容"黑金政治"猖獗,致使政治乱象丛生。同时,李登辉也没有彻底解决台湾转型正义的问题,使国民党始终未能摆脱威权作风和思维方式,也导致台湾社会至今难以走出威权阴影。 In early political reform of Taiwan, Lee Teng-hui weakly took over. However, he made use of rules to make ad- justment of personnel in the top ranks to achieve his purpose of centralization. Faced with the challenges from the "non-main- stream" faction in the KMT, Lee Teng-hui was good at using his strategies to push and complete the process of democratic re- form in Taiwan. It was the use of the provocative and provincial barriers strategies during his term that led to an unprecedented expansion of ethnic conflicts, the rising of separatism trend and the social division and unrest, which had planted many unsta- ble factors in cross-strait relations. Out of his lust for power, he colluded with local factions and connived at the rampage of "money politics", which resulted in political chaos. Moreover, Lee Teng-hui didn't completely solve the problem of the Taiwan justice transformation during Taiwan's democratization, which made the KMT unable to get rid of the authoritarian style and dif- ficult to get out of the shadow of authoritarian shadow in Taiwan society.
作者 李京
出处 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期19-26,共8页 Taiwan Research Journal
关键词 李登辉 民主化 转型正义 族群矛盾 Lee Teng-hui, democratization, justice transformation, ethnic conflict
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