This article argues that Tokugawa Japanese Confucian philosophers were inclined to utilitarian ethics as opposed to intentional ethics.This ethical stance manifested itself in Japanese Confucian philosophers'comments on historical personages and reinterpretations of the Confucian core values such as the humanity(Jen,仁)and the Way(Dao,道).We argue in section 1that Japanese Confucians insisted that the 'goodness'was not made possible by one's good intention,but in the effects of his deeds.We assert in section 2that Japanese Confucians placed the priority of achievement over virtue in their comments on Kuanzhong(管仲)and Tang Taizong(唐太宗).In section 3and 4,we argue that Japanese Confucian philosophers had interpreted Confucian core values,humanity and the Way,in an utilitarian perspective.Moreover,their'utilitarian ethics'were deeply imbued in the spirit of pragmatism(jitsugaku,实学)in the Japanese tradition.Therefore,the question of'how is virtue possible'had been turned into the question of'what are the results of virtue.'In the Japanese Confucian utilitarian ethics,the moral ideal can easily be betrayed by the reality of history.We conclude by indicating that the intrinsic value of morality in Japanese Confucian ethics may readily be ignored and the subjectivity and autonomy of morality may hardly be affirmed.