基于清单法对江西省11个市农业面源污染物COD、TN、TP的产生量和产生强度进行核算,从而对江西省农业面源污染负荷进行分析。结果表明:江西省农业面源污染物中最大为COD,其中吉安市和宜春市COD产生量最大,分别达到了518.56万t/a和510.85万t/a。根据地均和人均面源污染产生量得出南昌市人均COD及TN实物产生量最大,分别达到了427.9 t/百人、13.35 t/百人,地均TN、TP产生量最高的为宜春市,分别为2.90 kg/km2、0.69 kg/km2。同时本文根据面源污染等标产生量得出农业面源污染产生强度最大的为赣州市、宜春市和吉安市。
In this paper,Based on the inventory method,accounting agricultural non-point source pollutants discharge of COD,TN,TP of generation and generation intensity of 11 cities in Jiangxi province,thus Jiangxi agricultural non-point source pollution load is analyzed. The results show that the maximum COD in the agricultural non-point source pollution in Jiangxi province,in which Ji'an City and Yichun City produce the largest amount of COD,reaching the 518. 56 and 510. 85 million t / a.Base average and per capita amount obtained point source pollution in Nanchang COD and TN Real per capita generated the largest,reaching a hundred people 427. 9,13. 35 t- 1to all TN,Yichun City produces the highest amount of TN and TP,respectively,2. 90 kg / km2,0. 69 kg /km2. At the same time,it draws the agricultural non-point source pollution is the greatest strength of Ganzhou,Yichun and Jian City,according to non-point source pollution scale generation.
Jiangxi Science