In the opening salvos of his engaging article, How Stomata Resolve the Dilemma of Opposing Priorities, Raschke (1976) wrote that “Land plants are in a dilemma throughout their lives: assimilation of CO2 from the atmosphere requires intensive gas exchange; the prevention of excessive water loss demands that gas exchange be kept low.” What seemed a rarefied musing of a plant academic nearly 40 years ago has since broadened into alobal environmental concerns.
In the opening salvos of his engaging article, How Stomata Resolve the Dilemma of Opposing Priorities, Raschke (1976) wrote that “Land plants are in a dilemma throughout their lives: assimilation of CO2 from the atmosphere requires intensive gas exchange; the prevention of excessive water loss demands that gas exchange be kept low.” What seemed a rarefied musing of a plant academic nearly 40 years ago has since broadened into alobal environmental concerns.