

FPGA Configuration SRAM Design Technology
摘要 首先分析了配置SRAM在SRAM型FPGA中的作用,介绍了配置SRAM的单元结构及在设计中的要点。设计实现了一种基于65 nm工艺的SRAM结构,并针对读写能力、功耗、噪声给出相应的仿真结果。此电路结构具有低功耗、抗噪声能力强的优点,已被应用于FPGA设计中并流片成功。 The paper first analyzes the role of SRAM in the FPGA SRAM, introduces the structure of SRAM and the key points in the design, it designs a SRAM structure based on 65 nm process, and the corresponding simulation results are given for the reading and writing ability, power consumption and noise.This circuit structure which has been used in FPGA designand taped out successfullyhas the advantages oflow power consumption and strong anti-noise ability.
作者 张艳飞 耿杨
出处 《电子与封装》 2016年第3期20-22,共3页 Electronics & Packaging
关键词 现场可编程门阵列 配置SRAM 静态噪声容限 读稳定性 FPGA configuration SRAM static noise margin read stability
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