
新型高可靠性低功耗6管SRAM单元设计 被引量:2

A Novel 6-T SRAM Cell Design with High Reliability and Low Power
摘要 提出一种新型的6管SRAM单元结构,该结构采用读/写分开技术,从而很大程度上解决了噪声容限的问题,并且该结构在数据保持状态下,采用漏电流以及正反馈保持数据,从而不需要数据的刷新来维持数据。仿真显示了正确的读/写功能,并且读/写速度和普通6管基本相同,但是比普通6管SRAM单元的读/写功耗下降了39%。 A novel 6T-SRAM cell structure is introduced,which uses the technology of read and write separately,solves the noise margin problem,maintains the data with the use of leakage current and positive feedback in idle mode,and eliminates the need to refresh the data to maintain the data.Simulation shows the correct read and write capabilities,the read speed is nearly the same as the traditional 6T cell,but the unit read and write power consumption is decreased by 39%.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2011年第16期123-125,130,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 静态噪声容限 漏电流 低功耗 可靠性 static noise margin leakage low power reliability
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