Objective To examine the surface electrocardiogram features, electrophysiologic characteristics and the mapping and ablation of the frequency premature ventricular contractions or ventricu[ar tachycardia(PVCs/VT) originating from the aortic sinus cusp(ASC). Methods Fifteen consecutive patients with PVCs/VT were referred for the electrophysiologic examination,the site with the earliest ventricular activation(EVA) was mapped and ablated in both of ventricle and the aortic sinus cusp. To analyze the surface electrocardiogram features, electrophysiologic characteristics and the results of the ablation of all the tachyarrhythmia mentioned above. Results In 1 patient with PVCs, PVCs were terminated in 4 seconds during the first radiofrequency in the non-coronary aortic cusp where the EVA preceding the QRS complex of PVCs by 18ms was recorded. The surface electrocardiogram showed a notched " R " pattern in lead Ⅰ, a " rSr " pattern in lead aVL. In the remaining 14 patients with PVCs/VT,the EVA was recorded from the left coronary cusp. The surface electrocardiogram showed QRS features of PVCs/VT included a typical left bundle branch block and right axis deflation, with a low amplitude " rsr rs " " rS " or " QS " patlqtern in lead I, a high amplitude " R " pattern in lead Ⅱ,Ⅲ, aVF, a " R " pattern in V6 ,precordial R wave transition zone in V1-V3 (12 in 14 patients, 85.7%),the R wave duration index≥50% (10 in 14 patients, 71.4%)and R/S wave amplitude index≥30% (11 in 14 patients, 78.6%)determined for leads V1 and V2. The EVA recorded from the left coronary cusp preceded the onset of the QRS complex by ( 45.1±8.0)ms in 9 patients underwent successful catheter ablation and by (26.4 ±5.9)ms in 5 patients underwent failure catheter ablation (P〈0.05). A presystolic potential preceding the QRS complex of PVCs/VT with high frequency and low amplitude (P1 potential) was recorded from the ablation target in 9 patients underwent successful catheter ab
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
Aortic sinus cusp
Catheter ablation, radiofrequency current
Premature ventrieular contractions
Ventricular tachycardia