We investigate the relation between independent director reputation and the earnings quality of Chinese listed firms. Based on a sample of Chinese listed non-state-owned enterprises between 2007 and 2012, we investigate the influence of independent directors' reputation on the earnings quality from the perspectives of independent directors with financial background. The analysis shows that the reputation of independent directors with financial background has a significant and positive effect on earnings quality. And this relationship is more eminent for the independent directors who served as chairmen of the audit committee, employed by firms with more severe tunneling from controlling shareholders, and employed by firms in regions with less developed institutions. Our findings are robust to different measures of earnings quality, different measures of reputation and endogeneity problem. The findings show that the financial background independent directors with high reputation can play an active role in corporate governance and improve the earnings quality. The paper provides a new perspective for studies of independent directors' reputation. It suggests that the reputation mechanism can encourage independent directors to maintain their independence, improve corporate accounting information disclosure quality, and thus protect the interests of minority shareholders, which plays a complementary role to the undeveloped corporate governance mechanism and investor protection in China.
Journal of Management World