
美国大学先修课程考试性别差异研究 被引量:2

Gender Difference of American Advanced Placement Exam
摘要 研究根据美国大学先修课程考试2013年数据,实证分析了考试人次、得分率、及格率及优秀率等维度上的性别差异。研究发现美国大学先修课程考试的女生人次总体上多于男生,但男生在得分率、及格率、优秀率三个指标上呈现出明显的优势;男生考试成绩在难度大的科目、数学与自然科学类科目更是体现出统治性的优势,女生仅在部分世界语言类科目具备优势。研究认为,这种明显的男生倾向之所以没有引起性别不公的质疑,主要是因为美国大学先修课程考试遵循了大学招生价值取向与考生拥有自主选择权两个制度设计原则,考试成绩反映的是真实的社会性别差异,而非性别歧视导致的结果。对比我国高考越来越明显的女生倾向,具有明显男生倾向的美国大学先修课程考试对我国高考改革具有鲜明的启示价值。 Based on the data of 2013 of American Advanced Placement Exam, this research conducts empirical analysis of Advanced Placement Exam about gender difference in number of exam taker, scoring rate, pass rate and excellent rate. The study found that the number of girls is bigger than that of boys in American Advanced Placement Exam, but boys have advantage on scoring rate, pass rate and excellent rate, and these three advantages are successively improved. Boys also have dominant advantage' on difficult courses such as math and science related courses, but girls only have advantages on part of world language courses. The study suggests that the obvious boy preference in Advanced Placement Exam does not raise query of gender inequality in America, it is mainly because the exam follows two principles. One is university admission's value orientation, and the other is that that examinees have self-choice right. Meanwhile, the score of American Advanced Placement Exam displays actual gender difference not gender discrimination. Being contrast to Chinese College Entrance Examination's obvious girl preference, American Advanced Placement Exam's obvious boy preference can bring distinct revelation to the reform of our College Entrance Examination.
机构地区 南昌大学教育系
出处 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2016年第3期45-51,共7页 Education Research Monthly
基金 江西省社会科学"十二五"(2014年)规划项目"高校招生考试制度的国际比较研究"(14JY26)的阶段性成果
关键词 AP考试 性别差异 男生倾向 高考改革 大学先修课程 America, advanced placement exam, gender difference, exam-taking number, boy preference
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