
高校农村贫困学生的类型分析与成长因素研究:“自强计划”学生调查 被引量:6

Types and Growth Factors of College Students from Impoverished Rural Areas:An Empirical Study of “Self-improvement Program” Participants
摘要 为响应国家推进教育公平事业发展的政策号召,以清华大学为首的几所知名高校联合开展自主选拔"自强计划",为经济欠发达地区的学子提供接受优质高等教育的机会。本文运用扎根理论深入挖掘自强计划学生的认知与心理特征,根据特征分析将自强计划学生群体划分为策略型、开拓型、守成型和边缘型四种类型,探究影响该群体入学后发展状况的社会因素、个人因素和情境因素,并提出针对该计划的完善建议,以期帮助自强计划学生更好地成长与发展。 In response to the State policy of promoting equal access to education,the"self-improvement program"was jointly launched by several top higher education institutions in China,to provide students from less developed areas with the opportunity to receive quality higher education. This paper explores the cognitive and mental characteristics of the program participants,based on the grounded theory. The students are classified into four types:strategy,exploration,achievement maintaining,and borderline types. The paper discusses the social,individual,and situational factors that influence the development of these students after they entered college. It offers suggestions for enhancing the "self-improvement program",with a view to helping program participants adapt to their environment and improve the quality of their life.
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期99-104,共6页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 北京市社科基金基础理论立项重点课题"中国拔尖人才培养的新模式:国际论争与模型启示"(15JYA002) 北京市教育科学规划"十二五"立项课题"北京地区研究型大学资优本科生的学习状况和满意调查--创新型人才培养的实证研究"(CDA12066) 清华大学2012年度人文社科振兴基金项目"研究型大学资优本科生的学习适应状况和满意度调查"(2012WKYB006) 清华大学亚洲研究基金青年基金(2011-C1)
关键词 学生发展 类型分析 影响因素 student development type analysis influencing factors
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