目的 了解安阳市文峰区流行性腮腺炎(流腮)的发病情况和流行病学特征,为防控腮腺炎提供科学依据。方法对安阳市文峰区2010~2014年传染病报告信息管理系统中报告的流腮病例数据进行描述流行病学分析。结果 2010~2014年安阳市文峰区流腮报告发病率分别为25.31/10万、73.36/10万、66.13/10万、48.78/10万、104.84/10万,有2个发病高峰,分别在4~7月(报告病例441例,占报告总数的37.66%)和11月到次年1月(报告病例445例,占报告总数的38.00%),高发年龄为3~10岁(报告病例888例,占报告总数的75.83%),2010~2014年男性病例数为711例,女性病例数为460例,男女之比为1.55∶1。城乡结合部和农村地区共报告病例846例,占报告总数的72.25%,发病率为99.85/10万,城区共报告病例325例,占报告总数的27.75%,发病率为32.89/10万。结论 安阳市文峰区流腮发病率呈上升趋势,城乡结合部和农村地区的3~10岁儿童是防控流腮的重点人群。
Objective To understand the prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of mumps in Wenfeng district, Anyang city,so as to provide scientific basis for its prevention and control. Methods The data of prevalence of mumps from Infectious disease reporting system of Wenfeng district center for disease control and prevention were analyzed by de- scriptive epidemiological method. Results The incidence of mumps in Wenfeng district from 2010 to 2014 was 25.31/ 105 , 73.36/10s , 66.13/105 ,48.78/105 , and 104.84/105 respectively there were two peaks of incidence during April-July (441 cases were reported,accounting for 37.66 % of the total reported) and November-next January respectively(445 ca- ses were reported,accounting for 38.00% of the total reported) ;tbe high risk age group for mumps was 3 to 10 year-old (888 cases were reported, accounting for 75.83% of the total reported) ; From 2010 to 2014, the number of male cases were 711,the number of female cases were 460,and the ratio of male to female was 1.55 : 1;In suburb and rural areas,a total of 846 cases were reported,accounting for 72.25 % of the total reported, the incidence was 99.85/105 ,in the urban area,a total of 325 cases were reported,accounting for 27.75% of the total reported,the incidence was 32.89/105. Con- clusion The incidence of mumps has a rising trend in Wenfeng district. These children aged 3-10 years old in suburb and rural areas are the focus population for prevention and control of mumps.
Preventive Medicine Tribune