
可持续发展对外政策视角下的欧盟气候变化国际合作方略 被引量:4

EU Climate Change Strategies & Tactics in International Cooperation:A Perspective of EU Foreign Policy of Sustainable Development
摘要 可持续发展是欧盟的基本战略目标及其对外政策的一个重要维度。以探究欧盟可持续发展对外政策演变轨迹及其形成和发展的内因、外因为基础,从欧盟可持续发展对外政策的宏观视野出发,可分析和探讨欧盟应对气候变化的国际合作方略。具体包括:将气候变化议题融入宏观的可持续发展战略目标,倡导多边主义和全球治理的方法,主张联合国框架下的全球合作机制及其国际法规范的确立,采取更加灵活和务实的气候变化立场,将气候变化与发展中国家发展需求予以通盘考虑并对发展中大国与不发达国家予以区分等方面。 Sustainable development is a strategic target of EU( European Union) and an important dimension of EU foreign policy. Based on an analysis of the evolution of EU foreign policy of sustainable development and the internal and external reasons for its formation and the development,the article,from the macroscopic view of EU foreign policy of sustainable development,discusses the strategies and tactics employed by EU in international cooperation in addressing global climate change,including incorporating issues of climate change into the strategic target of sustainable development,advocating multilateralism and global governance,proposing the establishment of global cooperation mechanisms under the framework of the United Nations and the regulation of international law,adopting more flexible and pragmatic stances on climate change,and taking into consideration the economic growth of the developing countries and still the differences between big developing nations and underdeveloped countries.
作者 柯坚
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期13-26,共14页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金资助项目(15BFX147)
关键词 欧盟 气候变化 可持续发展 对外政策 方略 European Union climate change sustainable development foreign policy strategies & tactics
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