An effective corporate governance is not only able to fire unqualified top manager timely but also able to choose and employ a better qualified successor.According to the logic,this paper uses data on China's listed firms from 1998 to 2006 to analyze the relation of turnover and boards' characteristics and performance to examine the effectiveness of internal corporate sys- tem.The empirical study on relation of turnover and performance demonstrates the turnover is sig- nificantly related to poor performance.The lower the performance,the higher the probability of the turnover.But it is disappointed that the performance was not improved after changing the top managers.The relation of turnover and board characteristics shows the size of boards is insignifi- cantly related to internal turnover.Leadership structure of boards significantly affects internal turn- over.Under the duality condition,it is difficult for boards to change the unfitted top manag- ers.The system of independent director has increasingly done its monitory work since 2003.The higher the ratio of independent director is,the higher the possibility of dismissing the unfitted top managers will be.But the indicator is irrelevant to the performance improvement.It also hasn't im- proved the companies' performance to have the managers holding stock shares.
Review of Industrial Economics
Corporate Performance
Boards' Characteristics
Top Management Turnover