重点介绍了参数驱动建模、Power Copy、Reactions等功能在设计过程中的优势。通过与目前广泛使用的建模方法相比,发现CATIA知识工程在三维辅助设计过程中更加智能、便捷,极大的缩短了设计工程师的时间,避免了不少潜在的设计缺陷,提高了工作效率,从而最终降低企业的运营成本,提高企业的核心竞争力。
Detail advantage regarding parameterized modeling, power copy and reactions in part design are introduced. Compare to existing popular modeling method, CATIA knowledge advisor workbench seems more intelligent and convenient. It can save design time, avoid some potential design failures, and enhance working efficiency. Finally cost down the development and improve the competence.
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