目的分析和总结云南省鹤庆县1952-2014年疟疾防治经验和取得成绩,为通过消除疟疾考核评估验收后继续巩固已取得的消除疟疾成果提供科学依据。方法系统地收集自1952年防疫站成立以来鹤庆县各年度疟疾疫情、不同疟疾发病时期采取的防治策略和措施,分析总结取得的成绩和经验。结果鹤庆县1952-2014年共发生疟疾病例18 593例,发病率从3 737.05/10万下降至1997年及以后的5/10万以下,1997年起已无本地感染疟疾病例,2010年启动消除疟疾行动计划,于2014年通过评估验收,达到卫生部颁布的消除疟疾标准。结论鹤庆县在1952-2014年间根据不同疟疾发病阶段特点,采取不同的疟疾防治策略,并落实相应不同阶段的各项疟防措施,实践证明取得了明显防治效果。经过几代疟疾防治人员的不懈努力,现已通过评估验收达到卫生部颁布的消除疟疾标准。
Objective Analysis and summarize the experience and achievements of malaria control in Heqing County of Yunnan province from 1952 to 2014, to continue to provide the scientific evidence the results already achieved by eliminating malaria after passing malaria acceptance. Methods collect the incidence of malaria epidemic and prevention strategies and measures adopted in for consolidating Systematically different period since 1952 since the establishment of the Heqing county. Results Epidemic prevention station began to record of malaria epidemic situation, to 2014 a total of 18 593 cases of malaria cases; the incidence rate from 3 737. 05/ 105 decline to 5/105 in 1997 and later; There is no local infection of malaria cases in 1997 ; It start eliminate Malaria Action Plan from 2010, and passed malaria infection, different the malaria elimination assessment acceptance in Heqing County in 1952 -2014 years, according to the characteristics of different stages of malaria control strategies take different, and implement malaria control measures on the stages, proved achieved significant control effect, several generations of unremitting malaria control efforts, now to eliminate malaria by assessing the acceptance criteria issued by the Ministry of Health.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Heqing County
Prevention and treatment