
中国酒店业员工岗位性别差异对薪酬的影响研究 被引量:4

Earnings Differentiation in Chinese Hotel Industry:Gender,Human Capital and Job Position Effects
摘要 中国第三产业比重已超过第一产业和第二产业之和,女性凭借性别优势大量进入服务业等第三产业,提高了女性的整体就业率。在女性员工比例整体高于男性的服务业中,女性员工在岗位分配和薪酬水平上是否享有与男性员工同等的待遇还需实证检验。本研究依据人力资本理论和雇主歧视理论提出假设,通过对广东5家五星级酒店在岗的1233名员工进行问卷调查,探究高星级酒店员工在受教育程度、工作经验、岗位级别和薪酬水平上的性别差异,并进一步探究岗位级别变量在员工性别差异、受教育程度和工作经验三因素与薪酬水平之间的关系中潜在的中介作用。研究发现,在酒店业员工性别差异与薪酬水平关系中岗位级别起完全中介作用,即中国酒店业男女员工同岗同酬,不存在薪酬歧视,但存在明显的职业歧视,具体表现为岗位级别越高则薪酬越高,而女性员工主要集中在基层岗位,在中高层岗位所占比例明显少于男性,从而导致女性平均薪酬低于男性员工;酒店基层服务员、主管及部门副经理岗位的女性员工工作经验比男性员工丰富,但晋升为中基层管理者难度更大。受传统性别角色观念影响,酒店内部存在部门岗位分割,女性员工较少在保安部、厨房及工程部门工作;酒店基层及中层女性管理者的受教育水平明显高于同等岗位级别的男性管理者,"前市场歧视"不明显。总而言之,职业歧视和传统的性别角色观念能有效解释酒店业员工在岗位选择、薪酬水平和职业发展的差异。 With the rapid development of tertiary industry, service industry plays a more and more important role in China nowadays, which greatly increase female employment rate with providing lots of job opportunities. It's meaningful to explore whether gender discrimination exists or not in such services industries which women have a higher proportion than man. The purpose of the study is to examine job position, human capital and earning difference between male and female employees in Chinese hotel industry context. Furthermore, the study specifically examines the mediating effect of variable job position on the relationship between independent variables gender, human capital, job position and dependent variable wages. A survey was carried out with a structured questionnaire to gather career information from a sample (n=1233) of employees working in Five-Star hotels in Guangdong Province. Results show that male hotel employs receive higher wages than their female counterparts overall. Employee's job position plays a full mediate role between gender and wages, and there's no salary discrimination in the same job position. However, job position discrimination was found as the main reason of the total salary difference, since women are higher proportion in low-income job positions and significant lower proportion in management position than man. It' s interesting found that female employees in middle manager and lower positions are more experienced than male employees, but there are less promotion opportunities for female employees. With the impact of notion of traditional gender roles, position isolation was found. Pre-market discrimination theory failed as female employees in supervisor and department manager positions have higher educational level than male. All in all, job discrimination and the traditional gender roles are the major theories to explain hotels' job differences for different gender in China, however, Wage discrimination and the human capital theory cannot perfectly explain the relationship
作者 杨云 彭敏志
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2016年第2期35-42,共8页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 国家社会科学基金"女性主体地位凸显的旅游业人力资源管理模式创新研究"(13BGL091) 国家旅游局项目(12TAAG018) 中山大学教学改革研究项目(2015年)资助
关键词 性别差异 薪酬管理 工资 五星级酒店 Gender Differences Compensation Management Salaries Five-StarHotels
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