Study of the relationship between exercise intensity and physical exhaustion can be very good to avoid the damage to the body caused by the excessive exercise. Because physical exhaustion is related to many factors such as the size of exercise intensity, making that it has a high randomness relationship between exercise intensity and physical exhaustion. Traditional modeling method used for the above mentioned relevance can only use the past data statistics pattern to make relationship modeling, without considering many constraints, leading to poor modeling effect and low accuracy. A modeling method for the relationship between exercise intensity and the degree of physical exhaustion based on support vector machine (SVM) is proposed. According to the theory of support vector machine ( SVM), an optimal hyperplane is found out, to make error free fitting under the condition of the given precision. The current optimal problem is transformed into the issue of minimization model complexity, and introducing the slack var- iable and punish coefficient, the optimization problem is transformed into the dual problem, to solve the optimal re- gression function, and establish the relationship model between exercise intensity and the degree of physical exhaus- tion. The simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the expression accuracy of the relationship between exercise intensity and the degree of physical exhaustion.
Computer Simulation
Exercise intensity
Degree of physical exhaustion
Relationship modeling