目的 调查新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰地区福海县哈萨克族人群高尿酸血症的患病情况.方法 横断面调查研究,采用整群抽样法随机抽取阿勒泰地区福海县辖区的乡、镇,调查当地自然人群中哈萨克族居民2 006人,采用入户问卷调查,调查内容包括一般情况、既往病史、家族史,所有调查对象同时测收缩压、舒张压、身高、体重、计算BMI.空腹采集静脉血,测血尿酸、TC、TG、LDL-C、尿素氮、肌酐水平.结果 (1)实际有效调查人数1 921名,血尿酸(234.11±82.56) μmol/L,男性血尿酸(287.48±80.27) μmol/L,高于女性[(201.03±64.74) μmol/L;P<0.001].57例血尿酸升高,男性血尿酸(498.93±130.24) μmol/L,高于女性[(471.20±167.71) μmol/L;P=0.044].(2)福海县哈萨克族人高尿酸血症患病率为2.97% (57/1 921),标化患病率为3.34%;男性为4.76%(35/735),标化患病率为4.64%;女性为1.85% (22/1 186),标化患病率为1.88%.男性患病率高于女性(P<0.001).无痛风患者.(3)不同饮食习惯(素食为主、荤食为主、荤素各半)同时饮酒者高尿酸血症患病率(7.69%、5.66%和5.62%)高于素食无饮酒者(0.78%;P<0.05),既食肉又饮酒者高尿酸血症患病率(5.66%)高于荤素各半饮食无饮酒者(5.62%;P =0.009).(4)男性中职业稳定、文化程度高、有固定经济来源者高尿酸血症患病率高于其他人群.(5)福海县哈萨克族高尿酸血症患者血清TC、TG、LDL-C、尿素氮、肌酐、BMI、血压高于无高尿酸血症者.结论 新疆维吾尔自治区福海县哈萨克族高尿酸血症标化患病率为3.34%,低于国内报道.男性较女性更易患高尿酸血症,饮食、职业、教育背景和经济收入可能在一定程度上影响高尿酸血症的发生.
Objective To investigate the prevalence of hyperuricemia(HUA) in Kazak population in Fuhai county, Xinjiang Aletai area.Methods A randommized cross-sectional cluster sampling was performed in Kazaks in Fuhai.A total of 2 006 inhabitants were investigated by household survey.The questionnaires were completed for general performance, past illness history and family history.Height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure were measured and recorded.Fasting blood samples were collected for serum uric acid and other biochemical tests.Results (1) Finally a total of 1 921 Kazaks were enrolled.The serum uric acid level in Kazaks in Fuhai was (234.11 ± 82.56) μmol/L, which was higher in males(287.48 ±80.27) μmol/L than that in females(201.03 ±64.74) μmol/L(P 〈0.001).In HUA group, serum uric acid level also had significant difference between men and women [(498.93 ± 130.24) μmol/L vs (471.20 ± 167.71) μmoL/L;P =0.044].(2)The prevalence of HUA in Kazak general population was 2.97% (57/1 921).After standardization according to the national population survey in 2000, the standardized rate in general group was 3.34%, in which the prevalence in males (4.76%, standardized rate was 4.64%) was higher than that in females (1.85%, standardized rate was 1.88%) (P 〈0.001).There was no gout found in 1 921 Kazaks in Fuhan when the study was taken.(3)Cohorts of different dietary habit(who preferred vegetable or meat or both of them)who had drunk alcohol had higher prevalence of HUA than those with vegetarian diet without alchol group (7.69%, 5.66% and 5.62% vs 0.78%;all P 〈 0.05).The cohort who prefered animal food with alcohol had higher prevalence of HUA than those who preferred both vegetable and meat without alcohol(5.66% vs 5.62%;P =0.009).(4)In men, those who had stable career, higher degree of education, regular income, had higher HUA prevalence than other cohorts.(5)People with HUA had higher plasma TC, TG, LDL, urea nitrogen a
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine