基于光束感生电阻变化(OBIRCH)的热激光激发定位技术广泛应用于半导体器件的失效分析,特别是大规模集成电路的短路失效定位。详细介绍了OBIRCH技术在芯片背面失效定位时的原理和方法,通过精密研磨、抛光等先进制样手段对失效样品进行开封、芯片背面减薄。采用OBIRCH方法从芯片背面进行激光成像,成功对0.18μm工艺6层金属化布线的集成电路gg NMOS结构保护网络二次击穿和PMOS电容栅氧化层损伤进行了失效定位,并对背面定位图像和正面定位图像、In Ga As CCD成像进行了对比分析。结果表明,In Ga As CCD成像模糊并无法定位,OBIRCH背面定位成像比正面成像清楚,可以精确定位并观察到缺陷点。因此,OBIRCH技术用于集成电路短路的背面失效定位是准确的,可解决多层结构的正面定位难题。
Thermal laser stimulation technique based on the optical beam induced resistance change( OBIRCH) has been widely implemented in semiconductor devices failure analysis,especially for short failure localization of large scale integrated circuit( IC). Firstly,the principle and methodology of the backside failure localization was introduced. Advanced sample preparation methods such as precise milling and polishing were performed for decapsulation and silicon thinning of failure samples. Then the backside image was acquired by using OBIRCH method. The failure localization including second breakdown of gg NMOS structure and PMOS capacitor damage was successfully performed for 0. 18 μm integrated circuit with six layers of metallization. Finally,the comparison of the backside OBIRCH with frontside localization and In Ga As CCD imaging was analyzed. The results show that the image of In Ga As CCD is too fuzzy to localize defects,and the backside OBIRCH is clearer than the frontside,and the defect points can be observed and localized precisely. Therefore,the OBIRCH technology for the backside fai-lure localization of shorted ICs is accurate and solve the frontside localization problem of multilayered structures.
Semiconductor Technology