
从特征赋值看吴语内部语言距离与互通度的关系 被引量:3

A study of correlation between linguistic distance and mutual intelligibility among Wu dialects in light of feature specification
摘要 国内外对方言间互通度与语言距离研究的传统方法都是以音段为基本单位分析计算语言距离。本文以音系特征为基本单位,通过分析同源词音段特征赋值的异同来计算语言距离,揭示了吴语内部互通度低与声母韵母的历时和共时音变结果的关系。研究发现,吴语内部的历时音变主要发生在韵母,因此,影响其互通度主要是韵母的语言距离;其语言距离由音段的音系特征决定,主要特征赋值差异感知明显,对互通度的影响大于次要特征;以音系特征为基本单位测出的语言距离与互通度有高度相关性,距离越大,互通度越小,反之亦然。 Traditionally,studies on correlation between linguistic distance and mutual intelligibility have been based on the calculation of segmental differences.This article focuses on the differences of feature specification of segments to examine the linguistic distance and the mutual intelligibility between five Wu dialects.From the perspective of feature specification,the present study finds that the differences in major features result in more salient perception and exert greater influence on intelligibility than those in minor features,and that there is a higher correlation between linguistic distance and mutual intelligibility:the bigger the linguistic distance,the lower the mutual intelligibility.
作者 张吉生
出处 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期498-508,575,共11页 Studies of the Chinese Language
基金 上海市教委重点课题<吴方言内部互通性音系学研究>(项目编号:11ZS47)成果之一
关键词 特征赋值 语言距离 吴语 互通度 feature specification linguistic distance Wu dialects mutual intelligibility
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