
美国中高等生涯与技术教育的课程衔接模式与策略 被引量:4

The Models and Strategies for Curriculum Transition from Secondary Career and Technical Education to Postsecondary Career and Technical Education in U.S
摘要 大学与职业准备是当今美国高中教育的主要目标,其教育政策越来越强调中等教育向中等后教育的过渡,致力于建立一个高中到中等后教育的无障碍通道。以技术准备计划、职业群课程体系、双学分课程和加强高中生职业指导为主要策略,统筹高中和中等后教育阶段生涯与技术教育,并以各州从教育政策层面加强社区学院与高中的合作、专门机构的协调为主要方式,有效地实现了中高等生涯与技术教育顺利衔接。 In order to build a seamless pathway from secondary education to postsec- ondary education, the U.S educational policy is concentrating on the transition from high schools to postsecondary educational institutions. Career and college ready becomes the main purpose of high school education in recent years. Tech-prep program, dual credit curriculum and career cluster curriculum are the main strategies and models to achieve this goal. Corporation of high schools and community colleges is the main policy for states to link up secondary and postsecondary career and technical education. The college and ca- reer transitions initiative program sponsored by US education department coordinates different departments together to achieve this goal.
作者 李敏
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期15-23,共9页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"英 澳四国职业教育工学结合的机制和促进策略研究"(课题批准号:10YJA880064)
关键词 生涯与技术教育 中等后教育 课程衔接 美国 career and technical education postsecondary education curriculum transition
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