
中国农村3~6岁儿童忽视影响因素分析 被引量:3

Impact factors analysis on child neglect of children aged 3-6 year-old in rural areas of China
摘要 目的 分析中国农村3~6岁儿童忽视影响因素。方法 按照多阶段分层整群抽样的原则,采用抽签法抽样,兼顾地理分布特点及经济发展水平,从全国七大行政区域中随机共抽取10个省(直辖市)、26个市(8个省会市、16个地级市和2个直辖市),再抽取每个抽样市经济、文化水平中等的1个农村县(直辖市抽取2个农村县),全国共抽样28个县,每个县按照经济、文化水平将所有乡/镇分为高、中、低三层,每层分别抽取1个乡/镇,每个县共抽取3个乡/镇,全国合计84个乡/镇。每个乡/镇抽取男、女儿童各20名,共40名(其中3、4、5、6岁儿童各10名,男、女各半)。全国实际抽样调查3~6岁儿童共4 096名。应用“中国农村3~6岁儿童忽视评价常模”进行问卷调查和影响因素分析。使用SPSS 18.0软件建立数据库,采用多因素logistic回归模型对忽视影响因素进行分析。结果 我国农村3~6岁儿童忽视率为53.7%(2 047/3 810),忽视度为 44.42±7.57。由多因素分析结果可见,男童受忽视风险高于女童(OR=1.30,95%CI:1.13~1.49);母亲外出务工,儿童受忽视风险较高(OR=2.18,95%CI:1.59~3.00);母亲文化程度越低,儿童受忽视风险越高,以母亲仅上过小学或未上学最高(OR=2.92,95%CI:1.91~4.47),其次是母亲上过初中(OR=1.86,95%CI:1.29~2.69);家庭年收入越低,儿童受忽视风险越高,以家庭年收入〈5 000元最高(OR=2.85,95%CI:2.14~3.79),其次是家庭年收入为5 000~9 999元(OR=1.76,95%CI:1.40~2.20);母亲与孩子关系疏远或冷淡,儿童受忽视风险高(OR=3.88,95%CI:1.31~11.52);留守儿童受忽视风险高(OR=1.30,95%CI:1.09~1.54)。结论 中国农村3~6岁儿童忽视影响因素主要是男童、母亲职业、母亲文化程度、孩子与母亲之间的关系、家庭年收入和留守儿童。 Objective To investigate the major influence factors of child neglect among rural areas children aged 3-6 years in China. Methods According to multi-stage stratified cluster sampling, distribution characteristics and the level of economic development, we randomly sampled 10 provinces, 26 cities (8 capital cities, 16 prefecture-level cities and 2 municipalities) using lottery method. Depending on the different level of economic and cultural, we sampled one medium county from each city (municipalities sampled two counties), a total of 28 counties. All towns were divided into high, medium and low three levels in accordance with economic and cultural, each level sampled one town, each conty sampled three towns, a total of 84 towns were sampled. Each town sampled 40 children, including 20 boys and 20 girls (including each 10 children aged 3 to 6, half and half boys and girls). 4 096 rural children aged 3-6 years old were sampled and surveyed of China. Based on “the Neglect Norms for Children Aged 3 to 6 Years Old in Rural Areas of China” explored the risk factors of child neglect. SPSS 18. 0 for windows was employed for statistics analysis. Multifactorial analysis was conducted through multivariate Logistic Regression. Results The total neglected rate of the rural children aged 3 to 6 was 53.7% (2 047/3 810), and the total neglected degree was 44.42±7.57. The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that, neglected risk of the boys was higher than the girls (OR=1.30, 95%CI: 1.13-1.49), neglected risk of children were higher, when their mothers were migrant workers (OR=2.18, 95%CI: 1.59-3.00); the lower educational level of mothers, the higher neglected risk of children, the children in families that mothers only received primary education or was uneducated were most likely to be neglected (OR=2.92, 95%CI: 1.91-4.47), the second was the families that mothers received primary education (OR=1.86, 95%CI: 1.29-2.69); the lower the household income, the easier to be negle
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期866-872,共7页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(30872127)
关键词 中国 农村人口 横断面研究 因素分析 统计学 China Rural population Cross-sectional studies Factor analysis, statistical
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