
基于QQ群的教师学习共同体运行现状研究 被引量:20

An Empirical Study on QQ-based Teacher Learning Community
摘要 网络学习日益成为教师获取知识与提升专业素养的重要途径。在网络学习过程中,教师会围绕社交网络平台自发形成网络学习共同体。以QQ群平台为基础生成的教师网络学习共同体具有自组织的独特优势。本研究首先采用统计学方法,对基于QQ群的教师学习共同体进行统计分析,并探究开放性、远离平衡态、非线性相互作用、涨落等自组织特征对学习共同体的潜在影响,发现QQ群组织架构满足自组织系统产生条件,并在一定程度上促进学习共同体演化趋优;其次,基于社会化网络分析方法,对QQ群聊天记录文本进行了数据挖掘,分析了基于QQ群的教师学习共同体的基本网络属性,图解了其历时规律性。研究发现,基于QQ群的教师学习共同体在社会网络的密度、互惠性等方面,较之其他社交网络平台具有其独特性,同时历时分析数据显示,学习共同体的活跃性在一定程度上反映并受制于教师职业的特殊性。文章最后针对以QQ群为基础建立的教师学习共同体运行现状及面临问题,提出了促进其持续发展的建议。 Recently, online learning is increasingly becoming the main professional development approach for teachers to obtain knowledge and skills. Supported by various online tools, especially the social software platforms, teachers' learning community can be established spontaneously. In China, QQ chatting tool has become a popular instant mes- sage tool for lnternet users. Under this context, we used QQ group to form a learning community in the present study. The research procedure is as follows. Firstly, we conducted a statistical analysis on the basic situation of the teachers' learning communities and investigated its impact on learning communities. It is found that QQ group satisfies the re- quirement of self-organization system but may limits the development of learning community to some degree. Second- ly, a social network analysis was carried out based on QQ groups' chatting records and data mining to analyze the characteristics and historical evolution of teachers' online learning community and clarify its diachronic principles of development. Results showed that the QQ-based teacher learning community has its own features compared with other social software platforms in terms of the density and mutual benefits of social network. Also, the diachronic data indicates that teacher learning community, to some extent, is constrained by the uniqueness of teachers' occupation. Fi- nally, using aforementioned analysis, we found that the population of group members had little to do with its vitality. Instead, shared topics and interests of the members could influence the vitality as well as the lifespan of a certain learning community. The lack of thought leaders was also a bottleneck for the sustainable development of a learning community. Additionally, the lack of shared knowledge blocked the learning community development. Given all those issues that need to be resolved, we recommend the following measures: raise the requirements for new member enrollment, establish a clear and specific shared topic to in
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期101-111,共11页 Open Education Research
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"教育信息化背景下新疆多民族地区教师网络学习共同体研究"(12YJC880077) 江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划课题(J/2013/02) 2015年江苏省高等教育教改研究重点课题(2015JSJG068) 2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"高职教师信息化教学能力发展研究"(15YJA880108)
关键词 教师专业发展 网络学习共同体 自组织 QQ群 teacher development online learning community self-organization QQ group
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