本文采用数学模型分析 ,计算机模拟试验以及实例分析等方法 ,在不同参数组合下 ,较详尽地分析了随机保种群体遗传结构的变化规律。结果显示 :畜禽随机保种理论实施的现实可行性是很值得怀疑的 ,恐怕只是 1种很难付诸实施的纸上谈兵的保种理论。实际上 ,随机保种理论只有在一些个别畜禽品种的保种工作中可能被采用 ,但用它来指导 1个国家或地区的整个畜禽品种遗传资源保存的全盘性工作 ,显然是还有许多不足之处 ,无法作为畜禽品种遗传资源保存的唯一手段。因此 ,必须改变旧的随机保种观点 ,进一步完善和发展盛志廉教授 (1989)
A detailed exposition to the significance of systematic conservation was given out and the viewpoints,the targets and the factors influencing breed conservation were comprehensively analyzed after a fundamental realization to the actual condition of livestock and poultry breeds conservation at home and abroad being made.Furthermore,the inbreeding,genetic drift,gene frequency and population size,which are the main factors influencing the random conservation,were systematically studied with mathematical model and computer simulating test,the aim of which was to perfect the new breed conservation theory and offer basis for the theory and practice for the conservation of Chinese local livestock and poultry breeds.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)
内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目 (90 - 98NK94350 )