为解决霍州煤电集团干河煤矿受邻空动压影响巷道掘进速度慢、支护成本高、巷道掘进及回采期间返修次数多,严重制约矿井采掘衔接和企业效益的技术难题,通过对矿井掘进巷道进行现场调研、理论分析、数值模拟和矿压监测,研究了邻空动压巷道围岩应力分布及变形破坏机理,提出了高预应力锚网索联合支护技术。监测数据表明:邻空动压影响巷道采用高预应力锚网索联合支护技术掘进期间,两帮最大移近量为120 mm,回采期间两帮最大移近量为185 mm,满足了巷道掘进、回采期间的正常使用。高预应力锚网索联合支护技术提高了巷道支护结构的整体性,避免了邻空动压影响巷道掘进、回采期间的返修,该项技术已在全矿井下推广应用。
In order to solve the technical problems of slow drivaging speed, high support cost and roadway high repair rate during advancing and mining under the influence of adjacent goal dynamic pressure roadway in Huozhou dynamic pressure roadway by the methods of site investigation, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and rock pressure monitoring, puts forward the technology of high prestress bolt-mesh-anchor combined support. Monitorin ta shows that the roadway of influencing by adjacent goaf dynamic pressure adopts the technology of high prestress gd bo a- It mesh-anchor combined support, the maximum displacement of two sides is 120 mm during the period of advancing the maximum displacement of two sides is 185 mm during the period of mining, it satisfies the normal production o f roadway during advancing and mining. High prestress bolt-mesh-anchor combined support technique improves the in- tegrality of roadway supporting structure, and avoids the repair of roadway influence by adjacent goal dynamic pressure during the period of advancing and mining. The technology has been popularized and applied in the whole coal mine.
Shanxi Coking Coal Science & Technology
Adjacent goaf dynamic pressure roadway
High prestress
Bolt-mesh-anchor combined support
W steel sheeting