
基于有用性与新颖性维度区分的创造力概念及其影响因素研究 被引量:2

Research on the Concept and Influential Factors of Creativity Based on Differentiation of Usefulness and Novelty Dimensions
摘要 创造力存在两个特性,有用性与新颖性。探究两种特性的内涵与区分,对于创新管理实践有着重要意义。参考扎根理论方法,采用深度访谈的方法,提炼出创造力的具体表现,从创新过程和结果的角度描述了创造力的有用性与新颖性两种维度的区分特性,进而探索影响员工对两种特性追求的因素,以此构建了基于有用性和新颖性区分的创造力影响因素理论模型。 Creativity is characterized by usefulness and novelty. It is meaningful to define and differentiate these two di- mensions of creativity as it will contribute to innovation management. Referring to the grounded theory, in - depth interviews were used in this study to explore the dimensions of usefulness and novelty in creativity. They were compared in terms of process and result. Furthermore, we also investigated factors that may influence the development of creativity in these two dimensions, resulting in a theoretical model of two - dimension creativity.
作者 叶亮 路琳
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第18期252-258,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"企业员工的探索性创新行为与开发性创新行为:内涵结构 影响因素及其作用机制研究"(71272113) 国家自然科学基金项目"组织文化与组织创造力研究-基于组织的二元情境视角"(71032003) 中德合作研究项目"信任 知识共享与创新:中德合作的跨文化比较研究"(GZ652)
关键词 企业管理 创造力 扎根理论 有用性 新颖性 corporate management creativity grounded theory usefulness novelty
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