采用固相微萃取/气-质联用方法 (SPME-GC-MS)对干猴头菇中的挥发性风味成分进行分析。考察了固相微萃取温度、时间等萃取条件对总离子流图中总峰面积的影响。在优化的SPME条件下,共鉴定出干猴头菇中的挥发性成分71种。其中醛类化合物的种类最多,共16种,含量最高,近30%。另有酮类化合物14种,醇类化合物5种,羧酸类化合物6种,含硫化合物和含氮杂环化合物各3种,含氧化合物10种,酚类及烃类化合物共14种。在上述类型风味物质的共同作用下,猴头菇呈现出一种独特的芳香气味。
The volatile flavors of dried Hericium erinaceus were analyzed by headspace solid phase microextraction (SPME) combined with GC-MS. The SPME conditions such as extraction temperature and adsorption time was investigated for the maximization of the peak area in total ion current chromatogram. A total of 71 volatile flavors was obtained from Hericium erinaceus using the optimized SPME conditions. The analysis resuks showed that the aldehyde was the most abundant specie in the volatiles, and 16 kinds of aldehydes accounted for about 30% of the total peak area. The others including 14 ketones, 5 alcohols, 6 acids, 3 nitrogen-containing hetercyelic compounds, 3 sulfur-containing compounds, 10 oxygen-containing hetercyclic compounds and 14 hydrocarbons and phenols were also identified by SPME/GC-MS. The combined contribution of these volatiles maybe leaded to the characteristic aromatic flavor ofHericium erinaceus.
The Food Industry