人类内源性逆转录病毒(human endogenous retrovirus,HERV)是外源型逆转录病毒侵入并整合人类基因组中的残余物。HERV及长末端段重复序列(LTR)约占了整个基因组的8%。HERV的遗传不稳定性使HERV在基因组中分布广泛,HERV LTR的结构特性可以诱发产生新的基因、调节病毒的编码基因与相邻宿主基因的异常表达。而病毒基因的功能及相邻的肿瘤基因的异常表达是肿瘤发生的重要因素。本文从HERV的起源、结构、分布出发探讨HERV参与肿瘤病理发生的现状及分子机制。
Human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) is known as the residue of exogenous retrovirus during the integration in the human genome. HERV and long terminal repeat constitute 8 % of the human genome. HERV is widely distributed in the human genome owing to its genetic instability. The feature of HERV LTR can induce the initial transcription of new genes and regulate the expression of viral gene and adjacent host gene. Overexpression of viral protein and LTR-associated oncogene are vital factors for tumorigenesis. In this review, we examined the origin,structure, distribution of HERV to investigate the molecular mechanism of HERV in tumor pathology process.
Journal of Jining Medical University