阳离子聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)与带负电的纤维间具有较强亲和力,"水包水"乳液由于其低污染、易于溶解和干燥等特点,作为造纸助剂受到越来越多的关注。通过单因数法研究了CPAM"水包水"乳液用量、作用时间、硫酸铝用量、浆料p H、搅拌速度等对纸张强度的影响,考察了乳液的助留性能。结果表明:CPAM"水包水"乳液对纸张具有较好的增强效果,在CPAM用量0.2%、作用时间5 min、Al2(SO4)3 0.2%、p H 6、搅拌速度300 r·min-1时最佳;在等同条件下,成纸的抗张强度、断裂长、撕裂度、耐破度分别比阴离子聚丙烯酰胺(APAM)"水包水"乳液提高9.0%、9.9%、4.6%、6.3%;同时,CPAM"水包水"乳液有较好的助留效果,在其用量0.2%时为最优,在此条件下,助留率为80.6%。
There is higher bonding force between Cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) and electronegative paper fiber. For CPAM water-in-water emulsion has low pollution, easily dissolved and drying features, as papermaking chemical fertilizer, it draws more and more attention, Through the Single Factor Method, the effect of CPAM water-in-water emulsion amount, action time, and the amount of aluminum sulfate, slurry pH, stirring speed to paper intensity were researched, q'he results show: CPAM water-in-water emulsion has a better enhancing filtration effect. And the best performance was found when the situation is: 0.2% CPAM water-inwater emulsion, 5 min action time, 0.2% Al2(SO4)3, pH is 6 and 300 r·min^-1 stirring speed. At the same time, the tensile strength, breaking length, tear resistance, bursting strength are enhanced 9.0%, 9.9%,4.6%, 6.3% respectively when compared to APAM's. CPAM water-in-water emulsion was also found showing higher retention ability as fillers in paper, and the best performance was found when CPAM is 0.2%, under these conditions, the retention rate was 80.6%.
Paper and Paper Making